Just for you!

Congratulations on making it to the next step in the interview process. The information on this page will give you more details about Hajoca and the interview process.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

  • 9/15/2021 - The University of Oklahoma - Business Career Fair
  • 9/16/2021 - Louisiana State University - Business Career Fair
  • 9/16/2021 - Texas A&M - Industrial Distribution Career Fair
  • 9/22/2021 - Louisiana Tech University - All Majors Career Fair
  • 9/22/2021 - Oklahoma State University - Business Career Fair
  • 9/23/2021 - Louisiana Tech University - All Majors Career Fair
  • 9/24/2021 - University of Alabama at Birmingham - Fall Career Fair
  • 9/29/2021 - Georgia Southern - Hybrid Career Fair
  • 9/29/2021 - Texas Tech University - Business Career Fair
  • 9/30/2021 - Southeastern Louisiana University - Fall Career Fair

MDP Blog


2021 Trainee Phase 1 - Management Development Program

(Carson is currently in Phase I of the MDP at The Plumbing Warehouse in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is a 2020 graduate from Louisiana Tech University in Marketing.)

The South Central Division’s 2021 Summer Fling in Texas!

Hajoca in Action

Welcome from our CEO

The 1st 9 Months as a MDP trainee

Hiring Timeline

The key to Hajoca’s success is our people. That’s why we are thorough in our selection process - this also ensures that you have ample opportunity to determine if we are a good fit for your career goals. Note that completion of each step does not guarantee progression throughout all of the hiring phases.

Step 1

Congrats, the first step is over!

Step 2

Assessment time!


The first test, the Verify, is timed and once you begin there is no stopping, pausing, or restarting, so for this reason, you want to make sure to have the time ahead of you before you start – we recommend you allow for at least an hour, to be safe. I advise you to take them in a quiet room where you can focus with little distraction and equip yourself with the necessary tools – pen, paper, and calculator.

You will be given the option to take a practice test for each segment (verbal and numerical reasoning) and I urge you to take advantage of this. You have unlimited attempts at the practices, and I recommend that you do them multiple times until you feel confident moving forward into the actual assessment portion. When you are doing the timed actual assessments, you will have a little less than a minute per question, so if ever you are stuck on a question don’t ‘burn’ 4 or 5 minutes of your total assessment time, skip the question and keep moving forward with the rest; if you are 90% confident you know the answer go with it, again don’t burn 4-5 minutes of your total assessment time.

Personality Assessments

(CPI 260/16PF)

Once the cognitive assessments are complete, you will move on to the personality assessments – which, on the other hand, are not timed. Therefore, if you start to feel restless, I urge you to take a break. If you stop at any time the program will remember where you left off. These assessments are largely comprised of questions pertaining to how you describe yourself and how others would describe you. There are no wrong answers, simply answer honestly. Please heed their warnings about trying to select the “right answer” – the program will detect this through impression management. The best way to avoid this is to not overthink or over analyze your answers and don’t be afraid to go with your gut response. In a nutshell: be yourself!

Step 3

Chat with company psychologist, Sarita Bhakuni!

Learn more about Sarita

Step 5

Tour a Profit Center.

Sneak Peak

Step 6

You did it! Final decision to be made.